
Who are we?

TheBibleTrivia.com is a product owned by DodsonEng. DodsonEng was established in 2011 as a mobile and web development company. Our focus is to produce Bible based products for the general public. We started with a Bible Quotes Android App and grow from there. In our short history we have grown from one English only Android App to three Android Apps and a web platform. Our Apps now encompass the languages, English, Spanish, and Portuguese We have apps for Bible Quotes as well as Bible Trivia. This website is the foundation of our web platform. The site is tightly synced with the Bible Trivia Android App.

We are currently in development of iOS versions of our apps in order for iPhone and iPad users to join in on the fun. Until those are released, iOS users can still play Bible Trivia via this website on their mobile devices. We have made the site 100% mobile compliant.

We are in the works of setting up a Bible Trivia Challenge amongst different churches. The current challenge will be for NY based churches only as we kick off our first annual event. The next Bible Trivia Challenge will be open to more states. Check back to see what states will be eligible as we continue to grow. Our goal is to eventually have churches from all 50 states involved in the challenge!

Site Improvements

We Listen

Have a good idea that you would like to see on our Bible Trivia site? Feel free to tell us about it!

The Team

Sergio Eng
Director of Engineering / Co-Founder eng@dodsoneng.com

Seasoned developer in both mobile and web. Sergio is a co-founder of Dodson Eng. He hopes to bring joy to Bible enthusiasts with this website.

Kelly Keck
Director of Public Relations keck@dodsoneng.com

Master of coordinating and organizing events. Kelly is the lead team member for bringing in new Churches for our Bible Trivia Challenges.

Thomas Dodson
President / Co-Founder dodson@dodsoneng.com

Educated in Software Engineering with an Entrepreneurial heart. Thomas helped form DodsonEng with the goal of being about to reach millions of people with his work.